Honored GAI Members
Three Iowa Teacher Consultants (TC's) were honored at the National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE)in Orlando, Florida. They were Jan Bettin, Wayland Bauer, and Don Peterson.
Jan has taught at North Kossuth Schools for 21 years and has also taught in the Lutheran School System. She became a Teacher Consultant for the Geographic Alliance of Iowa (GAI) in 1994 and since then has presented numerous presentations and workshops. Jan has served as a resident TC at the last two summer institutes. The summer of 1997 she attended the Summer Geography Workshop for Geography Awareness Week (GAW) in Washington, D.C. and co-directed the Alliance activities for the GAW this year. She was presented with the NGCE Distinguished Teaching Achievement Award.
Wayland has taught for 32 years in Pleasant Valley High School. Since 1982, he has served as the Social STudies Department Chairperson andis also on the District Technology Committee. Wayland has taught geography courses par-time at St. Ambrose University since January, 1994. He bacame a GAI Teacher Consultant in 1992 and has served in the the planning and execution of several summer institutes. Wayland attended the National Geographic Society's Workshop on Water and co-directed GAW activities in 1993. In 1996, he attended the Population Reference's Bureau's Institute on population. The summer of 1997 he took part in the initial writing of the Advanced Placement Human Geography class at an institute at Macalester College in Minnesota. Wayland Bauer received the Advanced Professional Certification in Geography from the NCGE.
Don has been teaching since 1965. He holds a B.A. in Teaching and a M.A. in Geography from the University of Northern Iowa. He has earned several honors for his geography teaching including the Cram Award for a unit "Five Themes of Geography in the News" and the US/Japan Geography Materials Exchange and Teachers Institute in Japan. He received the Advanced Certification in Geography from the NCGE in 1996. He was honored with the NCGEDistinguishedTeaching Achievement Award.