• A- Attitudes 

CURIOUS: An explorer is curious about how the world works. An explorer is adventuerous, seeking out new and challenging experiences. 

RESPONSIBLE: An explorer has concern for other people, cultures, and the planet. An explorer considers multiple perspectives and respects others regardless of differences. 

EMPOWERED: An explorer acts on curiosity, respect, and responsibility, and adventurousness and persists in the face of challenges. 

  • S- Skills

OBSERVATION: An explorer notices and documents the world and is able to make sense of those observations.

COMMUNICATION: An explorer is a storyteller, communicating experiences and ideas effectively through language and media. An explorer has literacy skills, interpreting and creating new understanding from spoken language, writing, and a wide variety of visual and audio media.

COLLABORATION: An explorer works effectively with others to achieve goals. 

PROBLEM SOLVING: An explorer is able to generate, evaluate, and implement solutions to problems. An explorer is a capable decision-maker-- able to identify alternatives and weigh trade-offs to make a well-reasoned decision. 

  • K- Knowledge 

OUR HUMAN STORY: Exploring where we came from, how we live today, and where we may find ourselves tomorrow.

 OUR LIVING PLANET: Understanding the amazing, intricate, and interconnected systems of the changing planet we live on.    

CRITICAL SPECIES: Revealing, celebrating, and helping to protect the amazing and diverse creatures we share our world with.

NEW FRONTIERS: Searching every day for the "new" and the "next", using the latest technology and science to go to places no one has ever been and find answers no one has ever found.

The four clickable knowledge areas above demonstrate how signature GAI initiatives match the Learning Framework.  All were created by Mollie Ullestad, GAI Undergraduate Research Assistant, and based on narrative from the National Geographic Society Learning Framework.

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