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Featured State Alliances

This page features a rotating selection of materials, events, and activities that are available through our sister geographic alliances.  Don't worry!  We won't cancel your GAI membership for participating in other state alliances or incorporating their resources--in fact, we STRONGLY encourage it!


Colorado Geographic Alliance (COGA)

Colorado Geographic Alliance strives to increase geographic literacy in everyone around them. Members of COGA deeply appreciate the world we live in and all it has to offer. Colorado Geographic Alliance COGA wants to share this and they do that by offering a multitude of resources that range from siminars and workshops for educators, to providing student opportunities for high schoolers, to being able to have a geographer come visit your classroom. COGA is dedicated to acting as a top resource to educators and students across the state. 

Michigan Geographic Alliance (MGA)

Michigan Geographic Alliance puts great emphasis on environemental education via their program called MEECS (Michigan Environmental Education Curriculum Support). Under the Michigan Geographic AllianceGeo Ed Resources tab you can find hyperlinked subject areas pertaining to environmental science that provide lesson plans, discussion prompts, classroom materials, and explanations on how these materials relate back to state standards. This would be a great resource to refer to for lessons on ecology/biodiversity, weather/climate, and land studies. 

Illinois Geographic Alliance (IGA)

The purpose of the Illinois Geographic Alliance is the promotion and enhancement of geographic knowledge in the schools of Illinois. One resource aimed at achieving this is an interesting online atlas of Illinois created in conjunction with Illinois State University. This free online atlas is an interactive mapping catalog with accompanying lesson plans tailored for AP Human Geography classrooms. It's a great way to actively engage students in a modernized way. 


Oklahoma Alliance for Geographic Education (OKAGE) Oklahoma Alliance for Geographic Education

The Oklahoma Alliance for Geographic Education focuses on teacher training, curriculum development, and outreach programs. A main feature of its website is its vast list of teacher resources and lesson plans, which include hundreds of lesson materials archived from 2005 to the present. It also has an active Facebook page that posts interesting geography information.


Arizona Geographic AllianceArizona Geographic Alliance

Alliance created programs GeoLiteracy, GeoMath, and GeoHistory are used to increase student achievement on state-mandated tests and promote geographic education by linking every geography performance objective to tested associated standards. Practicing reading and writing skills, math skills, and history skills, and maximizing classroom instruction time are benefits to GeoLiteracy. Lessons of GeoLiteracy are research based, piloted with diverse populations, and based on standards.